Saturday, August 13, 2011

Long Time No Write :)

So once again it has been ages since I have posted anything. Being on the computer all the time you would think I would actually keep up with my blog. I will have to start doing better from here on out. Well a good amount of things have happened recently. Our poor Honda had to be sold for scrap, poor thing was only running on three cylinders and it had an oil leak problem. It was a 95 and the body was in pretty sad shape and she had no A/C. Well here in good ole Tucson it gets pretty hot so no A/C was not fun. We had no idea what we were going to do because we had no money to buy a new car. Then our church graciously gave us money to buy a car, and so did my grandparents. So I had to call my family to see if they could look online for me since our internet was not working  at the time. The vehicles around here are pretty pricey so we started looking in El Paso because Josiah's parents live really close to El Paso and we knew the prices were cheaper. So after a few headaches and miscommunications about how we were getting to his parents house we just rented a car. So we got there late Saturday July 16th. We relaxed Sunday because we didn't think anything would be open and then Monday we were on the hunt. It was a very tiring hunt and it seemed to be going nowhere. Wouldn't you know we found our pretty jeep in the last place we looked. It was the first one my aunt found online in El Paso, but we thought they moved. So we went to there new location first to find nothing. Then we went to look at another place and saw they hadn't fully moved yet. So we are the sorta new owners (since it has been almost a month) of a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. She is white and pretty. So we drove it back home and here you have to have your cars emissions tested as well as inspected (thankfully they do it all pretty quick at one place) . Well our jeep failed and we didn't understand. I was so upset because we had gone through enough just getting the car. We went to the same car place we took the Honda and after waiting for a couple days (we were still able to drive the jeep during this time) it was fixed and thankfully it was something easy and cheap. So we got it all legal, and the engine light came on again. But it is something easy this time too. Just the gas cap. We still haven't replaced it yet but at least we know it is nothing serious. So now we have a good car with A/C and room for more than one car seat. Which will be needed since we just found out on Saturday August 6th we are expecting baby number two. We are very excited and can't wait to see how Haddie reacts to a new baby brother or sister.

In Josiah news he has been having stomach problems off and on for a while now. First it was an infection in his stomach so he took the meds and they made him even more sick. After a while he seemed to finally start feeling better. Then a few weeks ago he was starting to feel poorly again so he made another appointment with the doctor. Unfortunately since Josiah had been taking acid reducing medicine they cannot preform the same breathing test to see if the infection is back. So he is going to see a specialist in gastroenterology. He has to have an endoscopy and a biopsy. They want to check for the infection and also see if there are any ulcers. So he has an appointment on Tuesday the 16th but we aren't sure if it is for the procedure or a consultation. He called to ask but he just got a message for him to leave a message. So hopefully we can get more info by Monday. On a better note things actually seem to be heading in the right direction with his internship. He is registered back in school and we filled out the FAFSA. He just has to fix a couple things in his learning agreement and it should all get started soon. He is going to be taking over the youth group for a while at our church and we will hopefully be going back to the reservation once a month. So things are good there and hopefully he will have his BS soon!

In Haddie news she is growing like a weed. She turned 15 months today! She says Meme and has said Papa a few times. She says baby and hi and buh bye or just bye. We just got her the first volume of your baby can read so we are excited to start that with her. She isn't walking on her own yet. She is being very stubborn on that front for some reason. If she holds onto something or if you hold her hand she is more than fine. She has taken a few steps on her own but it has been at least a couple weeks since she has tried. She has a doctor's appointment on Monday so we will see. Last time we were there she said not to worry until 18 months so I pray she is walking by then. Well I think that is about everything. I will hopefully remember to update on Monday or Tuesday after both Haddie and Daddy's appointments.

It's a little blurry but there is our Sweet Pea :)
I tried to put a pic of the jeep up but it didn't work sorry :(

1 comment:

  1. Josiah walked late so maybe that's where she get's it from! As for Josiah hope he is ok and everything goes well! Seems like a lot has been going on lately there as it has here. Love you guys!
